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The RVIR Trustees do not give advice on any Retirement Village or recommendations, they give a 'researcher view' on the facts forwarded to the Registrar of Retirement Villages by the Village Operator.


Buying into a retirement village is different from buying a house in town, it is complex, and villages vary in their accommodation, support, management, legal and financial structures.



Before you choose a village, think about what you need to live a good life.

There are several legal titles used in Retirement Villages.

License to occupy: This gives you the right to live in the unit/house, without ownership rights.

Unit Title: In a village with a unit title structure, you 'own your own' unit/house title.

Cross Lease: If you have a cross lease, you 'share Ownership' of the land and the units, and grant leases to one another to live there.

Lease for Life: In this case, you have a ‘lease’ for a unit or property in the village, which remains in place until you die or leave the village.

Source NZ Government brochure

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